Mt Darwin residents applaud Pfura RDC for improved service delivery

Staff Reporter

Residents of Mt Darwin Urban have applauded the Pfura Rural District Council (RDC) for its remarkable improvements in service delivery, particularly in addressing long-standing challenges.

Issues such as uncollected refuse, sewer blockages, and delayed response times have seen significant improvements, with residents expressing their satisfaction with the efforts made by local authorities.

Speaking to this publication, Edith Seremu, a long-time resident, was full of praise for the leadership, particularly the councillors who have worked tirelessly to ensure service delivery is timely.

“We have experienced a remarkable change in how our issues are being dealt with. In the past, we had to endure weeks of uncollected garbage and unresolved sewer blockages. Now, Councillor Munashe Kapasura, Councillor Christopher Rari, and Councillor Mapurazi are responding swiftly to our concerns. It’s refreshing to see them working so closely with the community and understanding our needs,” said Seremu.

She also noted that the sense of community involvement has never been stronger, with councillors making frequent visits to check on service delivery.

Another resident, Nobert Jingura, who lives in Mt. Darwin DDF quarters, echoed similar sentiments, specifically commending the acting Town Board Chairperson, Engineer Emson Chitsungo, for his proactive communication with residents.

“Engineer Chitsungo has been a breath of fresh air. He always keeps us informed about critical issues, especially the refuse collection schedule. In the past, we didn’t know when the collection would take place, and this led to heaps of garbage around the town. Now, we have a clear schedule, and his updates on any delays or changes really help us as residents. We feel that we are in the loop, and this has made a huge difference in keeping the town clean,” said Jingura.

When contacted for comment, Councillor Munashe Kapasura, who chairs the Mt Darwin Town Board, reaffirmed his commitment to the development of the town, aligning his work with the national vision set by President Mnangagwa.

“As councillors, we are President Mnangagwa’s foot soldiers in ensuring that Vision 2030 is realized. Our focus is on leaving no one behind, and that means providing services to every corner of Mt. Darwin urban. We are dedicated to accelerating the development of this town and improving the lives of all residents through effective and timely service delivery,” said Kapasura.

Engineer Chitsungo also expressed his commitment to delivering quality services to the community, highlighting the importance of teamwork between council employees and residents.

“My duty as a council employee is to ensure that residents of Mt. Darwin live comfortably in a clean, healthy, and well-serviced environment. We are not just focused on delivering services, but on making sure that the residents are satisfied and informed. That’s why communication is key—we want everyone to know what’s happening and when, so we can maintain the trust and cooperation we have built over time,” said Chitsungo.

The ongoing improvements in service delivery have brought a renewed sense of hope and optimism among the residents of Mt. Darwin, who now look forward to further developments in the town under the stewardship of the Pfura RDC leadership and the local councillors.

Many believe that with continued collaboration and commitment, the town is on track to becoming a model of efficient service delivery in line with the national goals of development and prosperity.