Citizens scoff at new party name and symbols

Political Reporter 

… As Chamisa adopts CCC as his party name

People from all walks of life have scoffed at the renaming of the Nelson Chamisa led MDC Alliance to Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) and the symbol associated with it, suggesting that it was ill thought.

Executive Director of SAPES Trust, Ibbo Mandaza, voiced his dismay at the new name and branding saying Chamisa should have learnt from his predecessor Morgan Richard Tsvangirai, that personalising the movement was a wrong move.

“Well, I suppose it was inevitable that they had to find a new name and brand … except I would kindly caution against the idea of personalising the name and brand, in my view an already bad precedent established in the Tsvangirai era,” said Mandaza

The CCC party got a backlash on its symbol of the upward pointed index-finger, which has been linked to terrorist organisations such as the ISIS.

The raised index-finger is interpreted within the militant organisations such as ISIS and the CCC as a fundamental interpretation which rejects any other view including other organisations.  Using the finger demands the destruction of any form of pluralism.

Making reference to the ISIS symbols copied and pasted by the CCC party netizen Lovemore Jambaya commented on his Twitter handle that, “This was not well thought please change it.”

Meanwhile, other citizens expressed disappointment at how Chamisa and his advisors would treat them as gullible, by denying that the CCC party has been personalised.

“We all know, that CCC means Chamisa Chete Chete it’s what we have been chanting all along, but to take that and turn it into a party name, it’s synonymous with turning Chamisa into a demigod, something that we said no to,” said one member of the CCC executive who preferred anonymity.

Meanwhile, the CCC party hopes to get into the by-elections and run against ZANU PF and its rival enemy the MDC Alliance led by Douglas Mwonzora on the 26 of March 2022. The by-elections will be a litmus test for the coming 2023 Harmonised General Elections for the CCC party.