Government enhances local services and targets corruption

By Staff Reporter

In a significant step towards improving local governance, Minister of Local Government and Public Works Winston Chitando announced a joint initiative with local councils to set mandatory minimum service delivery benchmarks for all local authorities nationwide.

Speaking at the Local Authorities Blue Print service delivery event at the Cresta Hotel, Minister Chitando stated, “In collaboration with the Urban Councils Association and the Association of Rural District Councils, the government will establish baseline service standards that every local authority must aim to meet."

Minister Chitando explained that each local authority would be responsible for creating its own standard operating procedures and systems.

These measures are essential to ensuring compliance with legal mandates and the newly established service delivery standards.

“This approach allows for customised solutions, acknowledges the distinct needs and capabilities of different regions, and paves the way for more efficient and effective service improvements,” he noted.

Further emphasising the importance of oversight, Minister Chitando announced, "The Ministry of Local Government and Public Works will conduct regular inspections and audits of all local authorities. This rigorous process will ensure adherence to the law, the minimum service delivery levels, and their respective operating standards."

This initiative underscores a strong commitment to accountability and transparency in local governance, with a focus on curbing corruption and enhancing service quality.

“The dual objective of this programme is to tackle corruption within local authorities while simultaneously raising the bar for service delivery,” Minister Chitando added.

Aligning with the national Vision 2030, this move signifies the Government's resolve to bring about a new era of efficiency and reliability in public services.

Minister Chitando’s leadership in this comprehensive strategy marks a critical step in promoting good governance, fighting corruption, and improving the standard of services for citizens.

As Zimbabwe progresses towards the year ahead, these efforts are expected to be instrumental in laying a solid foundation for achieving the Vision 2030 objectives, envisioning Zimbabwe as a prosperous and efficiently governed nation.